International Legitimacy in the Middle East

Arş. Gör. Bilal Yıldırım | Bilgi Yazıları | 09 Ekim 2013, Çarşamba

International Legitimacy in the Middle East

On July 3rd of 2013, the first democratically elected President Mohammed Morsi of Egypt was overthrown by coup led by General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. Much has been said so about whether the coup was legitimate. Some argued that President Morsi did not keep his word, and defended the coup; others believe that he was the legitimate authority and only one year to deal with the problems of Egypt was not enough, and opposed the coup. Both sides of the argument had previously united in their support of the Arab Awakening of Egypt. They had insisted on Hosni Mubarak stepping down and demanded the establishment of democracy in their country.

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